Sunday, March 18, 2007

Saturday shopping - Nanners and Noodles got new bones from Trader Joe's, and I got a new golf hat!
I have golfed the last two days, and I am pretty tired and sore, but I am going to make myself hit the driving range today. I'm putting pretty well, but not striking the ball that well, so hopefully some time on the range will help - tomorrow is the tournament, and I plan to wear my new hat!
Speaking of the tournament, I was kind of surprised that I had not heard from the gal who invited me to play, Ella. Ella is a friend of a friend. I've met her a few times, and golfed with her and our friend Diana once. So Diana tells me on Friday that she thinks Ella is kind of miffed at me because she sent me an email about some trip she plans to take and I never replied. Diana said she told her she was surprised because it sounded like a trip I would be interested in.
Of course, I never got the email, and since I'd like to make nice nice at least until the tournament is over, I emailed Ella and told her I'd hadn't received the email. Ella sent me the information - she and two other women are planning to go to some new resort in Dubai in September. Based on the powerpoint presentation she sent me, think Vegas, only tackier . . . . She was giddy with the information - the room is 120 bucks a night, so cheap with four sharing, and, she said, the flight would be less than $2,000.
I cannot think of a less appealing vacation. First of all, since 1999, these are the trips I have taken: Surf Camp in Mexico, driving with a friend around Costa Rica, the Galapagos Islands, the Amazon, dolphin research in Belize and wolf watching in Yellowstone. If you added in going to a tacky resort in the Middle East, which would seem like it didn't belong? If I am going to spend two grand on a flight, it will be to Botswana or New Zealand. And I stopped sharing rooms with 3 women to save money 20 years ago. . . . so I told her I'd check out the information, but was not really interested in travelling to the Middle East these days . . . she assures me Americans are welcome there, but who cares?


Blogger EditThis said...

I can not think of a less appealing place to go (especially for a woman) than the Middle East. I think your New Zealand idea is much better.

2:55 PM  
Blogger Karen said...

awesome trips.

love the hat!

woof, woof, slobber, slobber!


9:55 PM  
Blogger Prunella Jones said...

A land of opression and patriarchy
is not convivial
to ones felicity
but a new chapeau
brings a rosy glow
to ones countenance and visage.

10:16 AM  
Blogger Ryan said...

OY! Dubai... that would be one of the last places on Earth that I would want to visit. If it is tackier than Las Vegas, which I find hard to believe, I know I would pass. I would also pass due to the $2000 flight.

I would rather go to New Zealand any day.

Sweet hat!

I love Trader Joe's. I am now craving their vegan chocolate chip cookies. They are off the hinges.

10:50 AM  
Blogger M-M-M-Mishy said...

Dubai is Michael Jackson's new home, so it's pretty much confirmed that it's tackier than Vegas could ever hope to be. I can see why it's not your idea of a fun time.

All three of you look very happy with your new purchases.

11:21 AM  
Blogger LA said...

Maybe I'm just a freak, but whenever I read "Dubai," I hear "douche bay" in my head. It might be the MJ influence.

Hope the tourney today was fun. The girls look happy with their bones!

12:31 PM  
Blogger sage said...

Dubai--wow, maybe you can go shelter some money with Haliburton. I don't want to imagine anyplace tacker than Vegas, and at least in Vegas you can get out into the desert--I doubt that would be the case there. Your trips sound interesting and your hat will go well with capri pants.

5:38 PM  

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