Sunday, March 16, 2008

The answers to your questions are:

1. Raspberry Cream Cheese Breakfast Buns from the "More from the Magnolia Bakery" Cookbook
2. They are as good as they look
3. You should wait until the temperature of the raspberry preserves is less than molten lava before you eat one. Trust me on this last one . . .


Blogger Auburn Kat said...

Those look yummy!

11:10 AM  
Blogger sage said...

Great looking muffins--so just how bad is the burn on your tongue?

You'd asked about books on California. Here are a few suggestions:

Kevin Starr, Americans and the California Dream, 1850-1915 discusses the "idea" of California--a modern Bancroft?)
David Alan Johnson, Founding the Far West: Calfornia, Oregon, Nevada, 1840-1890 (deals mostly with political history)

Michael E. Engh, SJ, Frontier Faiths: Church, Temple, and Synagogue in Los Angeles, 1846-1888 (good intro into early LA through the lens of religious history).

If you want more, email me and I'll see if I can pull together a better biblio (sagecoveredhills (at) Due to the nature of my research, most of my books on California focus either on mining, religious history or CA connection to Nevada.

6:27 PM  
Blogger Princess in Galoshes said...

OH yum. I definitely would NOT have waited to eat them. Did the roof of your mouth surive?

8:01 AM  
Blogger EditThis said...

Man, those look really good! I would have made the same mistake.

12:37 PM  
Blogger Karen said...

Oh my, I chose to visit when you're having Raspberry Cream Cheese Breakfast Buns...

I'm salivating!

1:44 PM  
Blogger Diane said...

Thanks, everyone! The burn wasn't too bad, but I had one of those moments when you've put something in your mouth, and you realize it was a big mistake. Like Tom Hanks in "Big" when he tries caviar . . .

1:58 PM  
Blogger Prunella Jones said...

Good Lord, I could eat all of those with Venti iced coffee from Starbucks. Yum!

1:14 PM  

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